Monday 28 January 2013

Strange things cats do - part one

I love cats, I sadly only own one. I quietly crave a kitten, for so many reasons:

1) to flood my facebook and instagram with cute pics
2) because I want another cat
3) because I want another cat - see where I am going with this?!

My one cat displays some odd behaviour and some of it is downright annoying.

Take for example today. I was rushing about - I can never leave the house on time for anything. And I had tried on an abaya - and discarded it on my bed. At that point this thought popped up in my head the cat will sleep on this. I dismissed the thought. To make sure I pushed the abaya into a tiny corner of the bed. And off I went.

Returning home I went upstairs to change and lo and behold....the cat was indeed snoozing on my abaya. This is a king size bed with pillows! But he chose the curl himself up in a small corner where my clothing lay. Why?! 

Another time I had ironed an abaya - decided I didn't want to wear it and again - was in such a hurry I left the board out and the abaya on it. I thought to myself my abaya will be safe. The cat won't sleep on an ironing board. Hmmm. Felix thought - challenge accepted, I came home and saw my abaya was absolutely covered in fur!

I don't get it. 

I live in a house- not a studio flat. The cat has free range of the whole house - but he chooses to sleep in the oddest of places. 

He goes through phases. For a few months he slept on the arm chair  - no matter how many clothes I piled on this chair he slept on it. 

Another phase was the bed. Now at night he will sometimes sleep away from me, or right up next to my face.

His other spot of choice is on top of the wardrobe in the spare room, snuggled on a suitcase. Thats quite a consistent spot. And he always returns to it.

If anyone reading this understands why cats do this - drop me a comment please!


Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...

Salaam alaikum ^_^

Where is your Follow button?

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